
Why swim in a river at 0°C?

There are plenty of reasons: Get out of your comfort zone, build character, discover your limits. There are plenty of justifications: Simply crazy, settling a bet, religious penitence/purification. All those might apply, however for me it was a CELEBRATION. A celebration of how well I’m doing nowadays. I was born in a big city, I grew up surrounded by the grayness of concrete. The river in my city was so polluted that already its smell would keep you away. Going into nature implied a family trip, implied planning, implied getting everyone to agree and then traveling far away until we could reach a clean river, a waterfall a lake. Only then could I jump into those waters, and I did no matter how cold they were.

By — Dr. Óscar Nájera
| 1 min read | Personal

The right dictionary

I just found a post on using the right dictionary and I immediately had to review its reference: You’re probably using the wrong dictionary by James Somers . I don’t regret it. The core message is that we shall not only use dictionaries to find the meaning of words we don’t know, but to use them to enrich our prose. I never considered there would be such a dictionary that allows for such kind task. James presents the Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, unfortunately that link is broken. Nevertheless he provides a link to download the dictionary , it a standard format for dictionaries.

By —
| 1 min read | Writing | Personal

Second Post

On my first post after blog opening, I offered to write as often as possible to record my learning and share ut. Unfortunately, even for me, it has not happened. This is the second post. That does not mean, I spend my time without getting new knowledge. It means instead that I still need to practice about this blogging task and discipline myself to it. Certainly the lack of monetary income hinders me from publishing. Hope to change this, and that it doesn’t take other many months for the third post.

By — Dr. Óscar Nájera
| 2 min read | Personal