I’m guilty of having this online blog and not writing on it. I confess that
working on its looks and internals is way more fun for me than actually writing
some words in plain English for everyone to read. That however misses the point,
because it is the blog post that justify the blog, not its internals.
This website has experienced few visual updates over the years. Each time I
decide to embrace new technologies(at least to me) and to work on top of
somebody else’s work instead of trying again to do the design by myself. Today
is a mayor step forward as I complete use a freely available theme instead of
just using a web-framework for design my website. I can still read about the
inner workings of the template, but I don’t need to know everything.
The idea of a static website is great and GitHub pages was offering a good
environment for hosting my website. Except that:
- GitHub pages is only compatible with Jekyll
- Your custom domain cannot use HTTPS
is not bad at all. I did find it quite an useful tool. However, I
always found people complaining about it, and I wasn’t always very happy
with it. When I started looking for alternatives, my first tendency was to
use tools written in Python. Python is a great language, I work with it all
the time. I found Pelican
, Nikola
, they both seem to do the job. But they
have one problem, the themes. I’m not a web-designer, and I decided to just
stop trying to make my website completely from scratch. Pelican, Nikola,
and even Jekyll didn’t offer a large set of themes. Maybe they do, I just
felt the offer was very limited and not what I was looking for.
This is where Hugo
, came into the game. I had found references about it
quite some times in web blogs. Its mayor advantage being speed, and it does
seem to be true (although I don’t have a large website). I also found out
that they offer native support for org files. Since I migrated to Emacs, I
just love to work on org files. Hugo also offers a nice gallery of themes,
I was fond of quite a few theme propositions. Finally, Hugo is written in
Go, I don’t know it, but learning about something new is always good
motivation and I decided to give Hugo a try.
I could host my new Hugo generated blog in GitHub, it is just pushing the
static website to the repo. But I have been quite angry at GitHub and their
services. For sure they host the largest amount of open source projects,
and offer many tools to manage them, but they don’t seem to be moving
forward in their services. On the other hand GitLab
, being community driven
seems to favor much more the needs of developers and to integrate their
ideas into their services. Their web interphase does feel slower, and I
have not yet collaborated in a project inside GitLab. But their integrated
CI service is just fantastic. I can just make my docker images for my test
environment and let the CI run on those, even better I can host the CI
server myself and profit of a fantastic speedup in build times of my
personal little projects in comparison to having them on TravisCI or the
even better CircleCI. Also debugging my own docker image and GitLabCI
environments has been by far the easiest compared to TravisCI(close to a
nightmare) or CircleCI(quite fine because can SSH into CI server).
How about GitLab Pages
? It’s great, you can use anything to build your
webpage. You just use you custom CI environment and deploy the output. They
offer plenty of examples
on how to use their service for large variety of
website generators. You can do anything, you are not constrained to using a
specific tool at a specific version with just a set of extensions. If you
don’t like their prepared build environments, you can just do your own and
work with it. Finally, you can use your custom domain and TLS certificate,
you can use Let’s encrypt for this. GitHub falls short on the last one and
having an HTTPS website is very important to me.
Installing Hugo was extremely easy on my computer, it is available in the
Archlinux repository. Just by following the quick start guide for Hugo. I
could experience how it works and tryout many of their available
themes. Having examples is probably the most powerful documentation.
I settled for the hugo-tranquilpeak-theme
, and started looking for an image
for the background, It is now a photo I took from the train stop. I like
the view of trees, rail roads and a green light.
Although there is an Hugo importer from Jekyll, and I did use it, I
preferred to redo the import by hand. I don’t have many pages anyway. I was
easier that way as I ended up editing all the files anyway. Yes, I did the
work twice. I first performed and import into a test directory where I
would try Hugo. When I was happy about using this technology I did the
import again inside my git repository containing my website. I just feel it
is a better way to go, it is the repository holding my online presence and
it makes sense for me now to keep the same repository, in spite of the fact
that I’m changing my hosting provider and the technology that generates the
How about the killer feature of supporting org-mode files. Well I didn’t
like it and chose not to use it. I did not settle for markdown either,
org-mode in Emacs is just fantastic and I cannot let go. I preferred the
workflow offered by the org exporter ox-hugo
. I feel it provides a more
intuitive way to write into my blog. Have can have a big org file with all
the posts organized inside sub-trees and use org tags to define Hugo’s
categories and tags. Then export the sub-tree corresponding to a post into
a markdown file that Hugo will process. Version control becomes replicated
as I version control the source org file and the exported markdown, but I
guess it’s just fine.
This step included some guessing as the GitLab tutorial is focus on Jekyll
website. But using Hugo did not increased the difficulty. I followed the
instructions in their blog post
with some variations. I first install
certbot directly from Archlinux package manager.
1sudo pacman -S certbot certbot-apache
Because I do not want to run this as root, I don’t need it anyway since I’m
doing the process manually, I create a folder where I can save the Let’s
Encrypt data letsencrypt_certs
, and then call certbot for my domain.
1mkdir letsencrypt_certs
2certbot certonly -a manual -d blog.example.com --work-dir letsencrypt_certs --config-dir letsencrypt_certs --logs-dir letsencrypt_certs
When I need to make the website available, I just save in the required HTML
file in the static
folder with the sub-folder structure as given by Let’s
Encrypt, which Hugo copies identically into the website.
completes the certificate generation after the sites are
online. Finally paste into gitlab Certificate (PEM) the fullchain.pem
and into Key (PEM) the privkey.pem
Diego Zamboni - 2018-07-06T09:48:34Z
Hi Oscar - very interesting article. I found your website through ox-hugo’s examples page , and this article got me thinking about HTTPS access for my website , which is hosted on Github Pages. Happily (and for reference of anyone who reads this), I discovered that GH pages now supports SSL certificates for custom domains as well ! It was painless to set up, I mainly had to update my DNS entries (which were very old) and change “baseURL” in my Hugo site config to use my website’s HTTPS URL, and rebuild. GitHub even automatically generated and installed the Let’s Encrypt certificate for my site.
One more clarification - you say “GitHub pages is only compatible with Jekyll”, which is not correct. GitHub Pages will happily host any static content, so a Hugo-generated website can be hosted without problems. I have it configured from my repository’s /docs folder , so I just point Hugo’s publishDir to that same directory, and the whole process is painless.
The one thing I have not set up yet is CI. I still do this manually using a simple script (which basically runs hugo, git add, git push), so I’m still keeping duplicated content (actually triplicated: my ox-hugo source file, the Markdown files it generates, and Hugo’s output in /docs). I should probably look into cleaning this up :)
Great website by the way!
Óscar Nájera - 2018-07-07T00:28:19Z
Hi Diego, thanks for your comments.
Yes, Github nowadays does support SSL on their pages service, although the last person I talked to about it didn’t have a smooth experience. I’m glad to hear is better now.
It is true that Github hosts static content and I should have said “Github pages offers only to build Jekyll static sites”. Nevertheless, I want to emphasize the developer experience and flexibility I get out of Gitlab. You get to do your own setup. CI is integrated directly to the project and to deployment. As you mention content is triplicated for you, mine is only duplicated for now. Getting CI to publish your website using Travis-CI is hell(I couldn’t make it when I tried), using Circle-CI is less of a hell(I did manage to get Sphinx-Gallery docs to be generated and published from there), Gitlab made it really easy for me.
Diego Zamboni - 2018-07-08T18:35:37Z
Hi Oscar, thanks for your reply. I haven’t played with CI, but I will take your experiences in consideration. I have never seriously used GitLab, and I didn’t even know GitLab Pages existed. It’s good to have different options :)
Diego Zamboni - 2018-08-09T11:33:34Z
Hi Oscar,
Just a quick follow up comment: this week I migrated both my websites (https://zzamboni.org/ and https://cf-learn.info/ ) from GitHub Pages to Netlify. It was really easy because they support Hugo natively, and they take care of CI, SSL certificates, and even DNS and comment forms if you want, and it’s all free. I’m very happy with it. Just thought I would mention it in case you want to take a look.